Tag Your Food

The objective of the project has been to raise awareness among citizen-consumers about safe, quality and sustainable agri-food products, also with a view to combating the market for counterfeit products and disinformation, also ascribable to fake news circulating on the web. 

Tag your food aims to trigger a process of empowerment that, through encouraging more responsible consumption choices, can contribute significantly to the health and well-being of citizens. 

In the region of Lombardy, the course included the creation of an information campaign (mainly digital), training seminars, and community outreach provided by partner offices. 

The development of the content for training and outreach emerged from a qualitative and quantitative study of the level of consumer knowledge and awareness. The ModaCult Centre (UNICATT) has carried out an action-research which has analysed citizens' knowledge of the quality and safety of food products. the survey also had the objective to validate the effectiveness of the information and training tools realized within the project. 

Implementing bodies

Cittadinanzattiva della Lombardia onlus (capofila) , Lega Consumatori Lombardia, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino- Lombardia (MDC), Udicon Regionale Lombardia, Unione Nazionale Consumatori-Comitato Regionale della Lombardia (UNC).Soggetti terzi aderenti: C.I.A. Lombardia – Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, Ci.Bi.. – Arte e Scienza del cibo, Slow Food Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Soggetti attuatori

Cittadinanzattiva della Lombardia onlus (capofila) , Lega Consumatori Lombardia, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino- Lombardia (MDC), Udicon Regionale Lombardia, Unione Nazionale Consumatori-Comitato Regionale della Lombardia (UNC).Soggetti terzi aderenti: C.I.A. Lombardia – Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, Ci.Bi.. – Arte e Scienza del cibo, Slow Food Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.