Tailored training

The world of creative entrepreneurship in Italy is an economic resource for the country and is increasingly subject to positive cross-contamination resulting from the exposure to new markets and encounters with different cultures. 

The ModaCult Center combines the development of communication skills with understanding of the typical of Made in Italy creative industries: fashion, food, design, and art. 

Enterprising between Italy and Africa  

Africa, a continent rich in cultural and creative production, attracted to “Made in Italy,” and the original homeland of many people who currently live, study, work in Italy, is a fertile ground for new opportunites of intercultural exchange and creative enterprise. 

The Summer School "Fashion, Food & Arts: Creative Enterprises between Italy and Africa" of the dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore fits into this scenario and provides transversal skills to those who want to deepen the links between Italy and Africa and/or develop business models inspired by the encounter between entrepreneurship and Italian and African creativity. 

In collaboration with E4Impact, training programs have been designed that combine entrepreneurial and managerial skills with communication skills and use of digital media for the creative industries.