Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

VI Workshop sulle Fondazioni - Bando

Sixth Workshop on Foundations
Italian Research in Philanthropy Awards (IRPAs)

Four Research Project awards in the field of philanthropy

Call for proposals

March 2017

The “Dipartimento di scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche” of the University of Torino, the “Centro di ricerche sulla cooperazione e il nonprofit” of the Catholic University of Milano, and Assifero – the Association of Italian grant-making foundations invite scholars to submit research proposals in the field of philanthropic foundations.

The awards aim to encourage and support specific research activity in the domain.

Four proposals will be selected and awarded each a €3,000 grant.

The 2017 awards are meant to support either theoretical or empirical research work aimed at analyzing the role of foundations in:

  • fighting poverty and its roots;
  • increasing human capital and enhancing the quality of school systems;
  • stimulating effective innovations in the field of social services;
  • achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at local, national or global level;
  • assessing the impact of their interventions.

Research in connected fields will also be accepted, if the connection is reasonably argued by the proponents.

The proposals will be selected - on the basis of their quality, originality and relevance - by a “Selection committee” whose members are:

  • Gian Paolo Barbetta (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano)
  • Carola Carazzone (Assifero, Milano)
  • Marco Demarie (Compagnia di San Paolo, Torino)
  • Kimberley Scharf (University of Warwick, Coventry)
  • Massimiliano Piacenza (Università di Torino, Torino)
  • Gilberto Turati (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano-Roma)
  • Rien Van Gendt (European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam)


In particular, the “Evaluation group” will consider methodological accuracy, knowledge of relevant literature as well as the general structure of the research project. Research projects must be sent to the “Selection committee” by April 30th, 2017 to the following e-mail address: cooperazione.ricerche@unicatt.it.

The research proposals will be written in English and will contain:

  1. The research title
  2. Name, surname and authors’ affiliation
  3. Up to four keywords
  4. An extended research abstract (maximum length 5,000 characters) with the indication of:
    - Current knowledge of the research area under investigation
    - Research objectives
    - Methodology
    - Expected results.


By May 2017 the “Selection committee” will choose the four winners and will award each author (or group of authors) a maximum grant of €3,000 for the development of their research projects. Grants will be paid in two installments: €500 when winners are announced and €2,500 at the end of the research work, whose conclusion will be certified by submission of the relevant research results in electronic format and their approval by the “Selection committee” which will be notified to the Authors.

Research projects are expected to be completed by September 30th 2017 and results will be presented and discussed during the “Sixth workshop on foundations” that will take place in October 2017 at the “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano”. Deserving research results from projects that will not be awarded a grant will nonetheless have the opportunity to be presented and discussed during the “Sixth Workshop on foundations”.

Some of the papers presented during previous Workshops can be found at the following  link: https://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/crc-pubblicazioni-working-paper#content


Barbara Caprara
“Centro di ricerche sulla cooperazione e il nonprofit”, Università Cattolica di Milano
Tel +39-0272343366
e-mail: cooperazione.ricerche@unicatt.it.

The Sixth Workshop on Foundations  and IRPAs are funded by: