Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Centro studi sul volontariato e la partecipazione sociale (CESVOPAS)

Welcome to the website of CESVOPAS, the Study Center on Volunteering and Social Engagement.

By constantly promoting local, national and international research, the Center is a point of reference for an increasingly prepared, in-depth and appropriate interpretation of these two phenomena which involve all generations and all segments of the population, intercept all needs (expressed, unexpressed and emerging), bring social issues to the attention of institutions, and generate changes by small but constant gestures in the lives of all people.

By combining the rigor of research and the concreteness of operators in the field, CESVOPAS also intends to be a partner and interlocutor for associations, organizations and citizens who engage in volunteering and participation, to intercept trends and orientations, but also to support reflection, training, and progressive change, with an underlying idea of University as a generative actor and a resource for the territory.