Eating | Sustainable Eating

Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you are

29 September 2022

Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you are

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Interview with the publisher Vita e Pensiero about the new book "Psicologia sociale dell'alimentazione" ("Social Psychology of Food")


What we eat, how we eat it and with whom we eat it communicate a lot about us, and every day we are influenced by different factors in our food choices, which in turn are guided by multiple psychological dimensions: cognitive, emotional, valorial, social and behavioural. 

Patrizia Catellani and Valentina Carfora explain this in "Psicologia sociale dell'alimentazione", a volume that helps us understand these dynamics and understand how to promote a healthy and sustainable diet that contributes to our wellbeing.


Written by: Chiara Ascoli

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