Advances in "Comunicare la Scienza"
Research Project D3.2 2022: Comunicare la scienza. Mediazione e mediatori del sapere scientifico nella società complessa (2023-2025)
Internal workshop to share and discuss ongoing projects and early results from each research unit
- Institutional greetings (F. Colombo, Director of the Department of Communication and Performing Sciences)
- Introduction and update about the implementation of the shared survey (P. Aroldi)
- WP5 Representations and rhetoric of science dissemination (A. Fumagalli, A. Cati, S. Pasta)
- WP8 Scientific knowledge, public decision makers, and mediation processes (M. Bertolotti, G. Bombelli, M. Mazzoleni, M. Balconi)
- WP7 Perception of science and citizenship behaviors (M. Riccardi, A. Aziani, S. Favarin, M. Maggioni, M. Paleologo, D. Barbiani)
- WP6 The mediators of the relationship between the world of science and citizenship (S. Tosoni, E. Locatelli, A. Frigerio, G.E. Calabrò)