Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Catalogare per preservare e conoscere. Un itinerario internazionale fra i libri antichi di Gerusalemme

 9 novembre 2016 San_Gerolamo.jpg

Cataloguing for preservation and knowledge. An international itinerary through the ancient books of Jerusalem

Room St. Francis, Custody of Holy Land, New Gate - Jerusalem

h. 14-17


p. Francesco Patton o.f.m., Custos of Holy Land (Jerusalem)

Dr. Milka Levy-Rubin, National Library of Israel (Jerusalem)

Chair: Prof. Edoardo Barbieri, Haed of CRELEB (European Research Center Book Publishing Library, Catholic University (Milan)

Lecture: Dr. Luisa López-Vidriero Abelló, Director of Real Biblioteca (Madrid) The knowledge of the book and the prospects of its valorization

Discussion and coffee break


  • Yoel Finkelman (The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem), Jerusalem as an International Center of Hebrew Manuscript Research and Preservation
  • George Hintlian (Christian Heritage Institute, Jerusalem), Problems of cataloguing and preservation of Armenian documents
  • Luca Rivali (Catholic University, Milan), Cataloguing incunabula in Franciscan libraries in Jerusalem
  • Khader Salameh (Khalidi Library, Jerusalem), Catalogs of the arabic manuscripts in Jerusalem libraries

Conclusions: p. Lionel Goh o.f.m., General Library of the Custody of Holy Land, Jerusalem

On the same occasion, from 8th to 10th November, the Custody of Holy Land will host the exhibition Ars artificialiter scribendi. An exhibition of 15th Century printed books of the Central Library of the Custody of Holy Land 

For further information: tel. +972.2.6266756 - email ctsbibgen@gmail.com - web https://www.bibliothecaterraesanctae.org