Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Policy Reports

  • Governance e forme di riaggregazione comunale (2016, M. F. Ambrosanio, P. Balduzzi, M. Bordignon and F. Sobbrio), study at the request of the Institute for Finance and Local Economy (IFEL).
  • Improving the quality of public spending in Europe (2020, M. Bordignon, M. Buso, R. Caruso, D. Gamannossi Degl’Innocenti, L. Gerotto, R. Levaggi, L. Rizzo, R. Secomandi and G. Turati), study at the request of the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the European Parliament. Also available from the EU Parliament think tank website with a preface by Jérôme Saulnier.