- Piacenza
- BANKS - Banking Research School
- Ricerca
Gli output dell’attività di ricerca di base di Banks sono raccolti in una collana di working paper diffusa gratuitamente sul sito del Centro.
La ricerca applicata su commessa vede la redazione di output a pagamento in esclusiva per i committenti.
- Which are the factors influencing green bonds issuance? Evidence from the European bonds market (WP5_2022)
- Mapping crowdfunding in cultural and creative industries: A conceptual and empirical overview (WP4_2022)
- Does the ESG disclosure regulation contribute to the sustainable strategy of companies? The EU and US firms’ ESG ratings compared (WP3_2022)
- Gender differences in new venture financing: evidence from equitycrowdfunding in Latin America (WP2_2022)
- Credit Spread in the European Green Bond Market: a daily analysis of the Covid‐19 pandemic impact (WP1_2022)
- Gender diversity on corporate boards: how Asian and African women contribute on sustainability reporting activity (WP1_2021)